Welcome to 49VCG, a premier venture capital firm headquartered in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey. We are a dynamic team of seasoned professionals, united by a shared passion for technology and innovation. Our collective expertise spans the fields of investing, entrepreneurship, and business operations, giving us a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by startups. We specialize in technology investments, and our mission is to fuel the growth of innovative startups from their earliest stages through to their development into market leaders.


Welcome to 49VCG, a premier venture capital firm headquartered in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey. We are a dynamic team of seasoned professionals, united by a shared passion for technology and innovation. Our collective expertise spans the fields of investing, entrepreneurship, and business operations, giving us a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by startups. We specialize in technology investments, and our mission is to fuel the growth of innovative startups from their earliest stages through to their development into market leaders.

Our History

49VCG was founded with the vision of becoming a catalyst for technological innovation. Our founders recognized the immense potential of the technology sector and the need for a venture capital firm that could provide startups with the resources and guidance they needed to succeed. Since our inception, we have remained committed to this vision, investing in a diverse range of technology startups and helping them achieve their full potential.

Our History

49VCG was founded with the vision of becoming a catalyst for technological innovation. Our founders recognized the immense potential of the technology sector and the need for a venture capital firm that could provide startups with the resources and guidance they needed to succeed. Since our inception, we have remained committed to this vision, investing in a diverse range of technology startups and helping them achieve their full potential.

Our Approach

At 49VCG, we are not just investors; we are partners in growth. We believe in the ‘test local, grow global’ strategy. This means we support our portfolio companies in refining their products and business models in local markets before helping them scale their operations globally. Our approach is hands-on and collaborative. We work closely with the entrepreneurs we invest in, providing not just capital, but also strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to our extensive network of industry contacts.

Our Approach

At 49VCG, we are not just investors; we are partners in growth. We believe in the ‘test local, grow global’ strategy. This means we support our portfolio companies in refining their products and business models in local markets before helping them scale their operations globally. Our approach is hands-on and collaborative. We work closely with the entrepreneurs we invest in, providing not just capital, but also strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to our extensive network of industry contacts.

Our Investment Philosophy

We believe in investing in people as much as we do in ideas. We look for passionate, resilient, and driven entrepreneurs to make a difference. We seek out innovative ideas that have the potential to disrupt markets and create value on a global scale. Our investment philosophy is guided by a long-term perspective; we are committed to supporting our portfolio companies through the ups and downs of their growth journey.

Our Investment Philosophy

We believe in investing in people as much as we do in ideas. We look for passionate, resilient, and driven entrepreneurs to make a difference. We seek out innovative ideas that have the potential to disrupt markets and create value on a global scale. Our investment philosophy is guided by a long-term perspective; we are committed to supporting our portfolio companies through the ups and downs of their growth journey.

Our Values

Our values are the bedrock of our company culture and the guiding principles that shape our approach to venture capital. We uphold the highest standards of Integrity, ensuring honesty and transparency in all our dealings. We believe in the power of Innovation, and we constantly seek out companies that are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in technology and business. We have a Global Mindset, recognizing the importance of international collaboration in today’s interconnected world, and we strive to foster connections that span across borders. Lastly, we champion the Entrepreneurial Spirit, admiring the courage, creativity, and resilience of the entrepreneurs we partner with, and we strive to mirror these qualities in our own approach to venture capital.

Our Values

Our values are the bedrock of our company culture and the guiding principles that shape our approach to venture capital. We uphold the highest standards of Integrity, ensuring honesty and transparency in all our dealings. We believe in the power of Innovation, and we constantly seek out companies that are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in technology and business. We have a Global Mindset, recognizing the importance of international collaboration in today’s interconnected world, and we strive to foster connections that span across borders. Lastly, we champion the Entrepreneurial Spirit, admiring the courage, creativity, and resilience of the entrepreneurs we partner with, and we strive to mirror these qualities in our own approach to venture capital.

Our Impact

At 49VCG, we measure our success not just in financial returns, but also in the positive impact we have on the technology sector and the wider economy. We are proud of the role we have played in supporting the growth of innovative startups, creating jobs, and driving technological progress.

Our Impact

At 49VCG, we measure our success not just in financial returns, but also in the positive impact we have on the technology sector and the wider economy. We are proud of the role we have played in supporting the growth of innovative startups, creating jobs, and driving technological progress.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create value for our investors and our portfolio companies while contributing to the growth and dynamism of the global startup ecosystem. We aim to shape the future of technology and business, one investment at a time. We envision a world where technology transcends borders, fostering global collaboration, innovation, and progress. By investing in promising startups and supporting them on their growth journey, we are working to make this vision a reality.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create value for our investors and our portfolio companies while contributing to the growth and dynamism of the global startup ecosystem. We aim to shape the future of technology and business, one investment at a time. We envision a world where technology transcends borders, fostering global collaboration, innovation, and progress. By investing in promising startups and supporting them on their growth journey, we are working to make this vision a reality.